Monday, September 29, 2014

A Mother's Love

There is nothing like a mother's love.  I don't think I understood how a mother's love is different from anything else till I became a mother.  A mother's love is a mother's love.  I remember when my girls where babies being terrified that something would happen to them and all I wanted to do was keep them safe.  There have been bumps, bruises and broken bones along the way and it broke my heart every time.  I remember Courtney fell out of a grocery cart when she was 18 months old, she hit her head pretty hard, to this day I hear that horrible thud, not in my head, but in my heart every time I think about it.  My momma called to check on me today because my house alarm went off for no reason today just to make sure I was ok-folks, I am 42 years old but still her baby.  She had to make sure I was o.k. I have learned to be patient when she calls, she isn't trying to run my life, she just needs to make sure I am o.k.  Even when she had cancer her concern was for me, she went through very expensive genetic testing to make sure she wasn't passing on a cancer gene to me.  Nothing like watching your very ill momma worry about you.

I remember when I heard the news of an 18 year old Natalee Holloway who disappeared on her senior trip.  She has never been found.  I realized then that I can't protect my children forever. They will grow up, but will it stop me from trying to protect them and keep them safe?  Absolutely not! I will worry about them till I stop breathing simply because that is my job.  So daughters and sons, just because you don't live under your momma's roof doesn't mean we won't feel the need to take care of you.  A mother's love is like no other.

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